nyc day three | brooklyn bridge

sunday, november 20th! quick question: dO YoU eVeR fAlL iN LuHH w/ ThA DJ????? <3333
today jenny + i went to the ole bk bridge. started from the golden gate, now we here! i forgot everything else we did this day bc it was so cold and windy! but u gotta do what u gotta do for the instagram! and since jenny and i are actually professionals, it was our job to go out there and take cute pix. it actually started snowing on our way back to the C train. also: if ur traveling to nyc please do not spend $$$ on uber/taxi/private helicopter!! take the metro! so easy + a week pass is $30. !!!!!!! that's like, one uber ride. DO IT + USE IT! we ended the day by hillsong nyc and getting shake shack on the upper west side, where jenny found a hair in her cold chicken sandwich. <3333 jUsT NyC ThiNgS~~~~