Frequently Asked Questions


When does the course start and finish? ↓

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long is the course? ↓

It's short & sweet at just 45 minutes.

What format is this course in? ↓

It is video format so you can learn at your own pace!

Will this course include the legal documents (such as photography contracts)? ↓

No, the photography contracts and legal documents are an external resource from a business attorney, and those documents are not included in the course. Some tools will require you to sign up or pay to use them if you choose to use them. Topics like registering your business as an LLC or photography contracts I can not give legal advice on, but I can point you to those tools and I will point you to the tools in this course. I am going to be breaking down what I personally use them for in my business.


How long do I have access to the course? ↓

You receive lifetime access to this version, Business Basics 1.0. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this Business Basics 1.0 course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course? ↓

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us at in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Does this course apply to only those in the United States? ↓

I am in the USA and teaching to those in the USA. I have had people enroll outside of the states but it really varies from country to country. This is primarily relevant to North America.